Sophie Skelton, the star of Outlander, has landed the lead role in the forthcoming film.

Row is Sophie Skelton's next starring role after Outlander.  

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Matthew Losasso's thriller will star Bella Dayne, Akshay Khanna, and Mark Trepan.  

After washing ashore on a blood-stained rowboat, a lady must piece together her memories to prove her innocence.   

"An immense ocean appears to stretch infinitely in all directions, but on the Valiant, space shortages fuel paranoia and intense drama," Loscasso added.   

If filming on water wasn't hard enough, add a convoluted dark plot, technical ways to avoid green screen backdrops, a desire to convey ocean environments' rough grandeur, and indie filmmaking's limits.  

Row, scripted by Nick Skaugan, will begin filming in Scotland next month using a tank to avoid VFX.  

Fans know Skelton from Outlander, where she plays Brianna Fraser in the two-part seventh season.  

The actress told Radio Times about significant developments ahead of its June premiere: "We're incredibly proud of Outlander's unconventional stories.  

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