Discover Karmic Life Lessons June 23–29
The Strawberry Moon energy from last weekend radiates into the week.
You may still be resolving major issues related to this month's full moon. June 26 is great for business, contracts, and long-term planning, while June 29 is great for romance and socializing. Plan something spectacular!
Your yearning for closure and introspection has persisted for almost a year, Aries. You are gaining karmic lessons from whatever you've built in life. Releasing baggage, healing from the past, and deep inner work may benefit you now and in the future.
Taurus, your social circle has been more important in recent months. In the past year, you may have found it harder to make new acquaintances or weeded out people who no longer fit your life path and ideals. In the coming months, you can develop your relationships more.
Gemini, you've felt professionally burdened since spring 2023. This may have appeared as never-ending work tasks, conflicts with superiors, or a career roadblock that makes you question its long-term ambitions.
Cancer, your karmic cycle may make you want change and adventure but feel stuck and unsure how to fly. This could be about personal growth as you seek self-discovery and authenticity. This could be about career issues and how you can't find the next step up.
Leo, intimacy, trust, and vulnerability have been difficult lately, but things should improve in the coming months. Expect important soul-searching over these subjects now and in the future. Know you deserve union by looking within.
Virgo, the universe has tested you on every level for over a year. It may have felt like you were under a gloomy cloud, encountering opposition at every level and witnessing troubled relationships drift away. Thankfully, stormy feelings should lighten this week and into the year.
Libra, life has tested you this year. You may have been overwhelmed by your employer's responsibilities, sick, or unfulfilled with your work-life balance. Productivity has been key, but it feels like you can never advance.
You've sought passion, pleasure, art, romance, and beauty, but you've also had to focus on life's practicalities rather than just dancing through your days. There will be greater joy, intimacy, and wonder in your daily life till your birthday season ends.
Sagittarius, you've felt like the world has been probing and whiplashing your emotions since March 2023. Your home or domestic life may be causing problems and bad news. It could be related to your family, genealogy, or parents, producing distance, isolation, or difficult decisions.
Capricorn, you strive for clarity and have focused on a new method of communicating, learning, and exploring throughout the previous year. Some of you focused on earning new credentials or academics, while others focused on changing their routine by traveling or exploring new places.
Aquarius, you may have been thinking about financial karmic lessons this year. If you've felt overwhelmed by financial obligations, this week may help till the end of the year. Save, invest, pay off debts, or hustle to find as many methods to monetize as feasible.
Pisces, this is a pivotal time in your life. Actually, this started in March 2023 and ends in February 2026. Positively, you are maturing quickly, taking on more responsibility, and learning to manage your personal and professional life.
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