6 Zodiac Signs with a Great Sixth Sense
Could you be one of the Zodiac signs with a sixth sense? Astrology can tell you whether you have the instinct and intuition required to save your skin in times of trouble.
But what exactly does intuition mean? According to the dictionary, "intuition" to mean "the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning" .
Simply described, it is the negative vibes we get from someone we don't know very well.
It is the sinking sensation we experience just before walking headfirst into a calamity.
Cancer is the most intuitive zodiac sign, despite being known for their sensitive temperament.
Scorpio is impervious to deception. Their trust concerns lead them to question everyone they meet.
Libras are known for their keen observation skills. There is just no way to deceive their eyes.
Pisces are known for their intuitive and creative nature. How else can you envisage multiple outcomes when faced with a fresh challenge?
Geminis are among the most gregarious zodiac signs. They have had intimate conversations with so many people in their life that they can read people like an open book.
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is noted for its great intellect and quest for knowledge.
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