3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024
While there may be a few difficult moments on the first and fourth, or things do not go as planned, the holidays are still enjoyable for the majority of people.
This week, Neptune goes retrograde, which may cause more mental fog for some. Now is the moment to look at things realistically and remove the rose-colored glasses.
Of again, for people experiencing a strong Neptune transit, this may be exactly what they avoid, as a retrograde Neptune tends to create confusion and lack of clarity.
The Moon is in Cancer (your opposing sign), which brings problems. While the opposing sign may balance you out in some ways, it is still a challenge, and you will most likely feel this energy several days before Friday's Full Moon.
With three planets in your 12th house, you've been thinking a lot, and your subconscious has been really busy recently. The 12th house governs the unconscious mind, and it can also indicate a longing for solitude.
As we start the holiday week, don't be shocked if Monday morning brings some worry. If this is the case, it may easily apply to women or family members.
Over the weekend, you may also be prone to revisiting prior hurts and trauma, particularly those involving relationships, past or present.
This might last till Saturday, and if you stay on this path, the late-night hours may get intense. Do you truly want to revisit previous hurts or move on to discover something better? You'll have to make a choice.
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